
We give moms the tools they need to live bigger, bolder, braver lives #everydamnday

Join Us!

We have two fantastic options for you to be supported by The Shameless Mom Academy. You can become a member of the Academy and receive ongoing group coaching from Sara or you can grab our self guided Hope, Happiness and Mental Health Challenge. Whichever option you choose, we are delighted you want to dig deeper. We look forward to supporting you every step of the way.

Become a Shameless Mom Academy Member

Are you in search of a community who can support your unique path to growth #everydamnday?

The Shameless Mom Academy is an intentional, inclusive community built to support your growth. Inside The Academy, you receive weekly group coaching and community building activities with Sara and her team. We tackle the challenges of motherhood including topics like mindset and self-talk, confidence and self-trust, relationships and our sense of identity, leadership and professional skills… and SO much more.

Download my Hope, Happiness and Mental Health Challenge

Do you ever feel like you’re struggling to own your power? Are you looking for a way to jumpstart your journey to improved health and happiness?

This self paced challenge was designed to help you dig into fear, courage, control, emotions, relationships, boundaries, and joy over the course of five themed days. Daily emails and videos will help you learn and practice new habits that can change the course of your day, especially on those really hard days.

Want to work with Sara one-on-one?

Sara works with moms who are looking for life, leadership, executive or business coaching.

Reach Out Here