
Why I Want To Be A Shameless Millionaire

Why I Want To Be A Shameless Millionaire

Who wants to be a millionaire?

[stands up, raises both hands, and jumps up & down] I DO.

Why is there shame for women around desiring massive success and wealth building?

I’ll be honest.  I find this really disturbing and frustrating.  Are men bashful about success and wanting to get rich?


In this episode, we are going to dig into reasons women desire wealth and the specific reasons I want to be a millionaire.

I will also share why I refuse to be shy or apologetic about this and how we are doing all women and our children a huge disservice when we keep our ambitions quiet and secretive.

Women openly striving for high levels of success, whether through a job title or a certain income level, do not cultivate a culture of greed.  On the contrary, women striving for high levels of success cultivate a culture of ambition, focus, and drive that often comes from a place of brilliant intellect, insight, and compassion that the world desperately needs.

If you have self-doubt and questions of worthiness when it comes to success and wealth this episode is for you.

Tune in to hear the specific steps I’m taking to become a millionaire and the steps you can take to start upleveling to the next level of success you desire in your life.

This episode is jam-packed and super meaty.  Be prepared to take some notes.

Please share this episode with the women in your life who want more success and more money!

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