
Train People How To Treat You

Train People How To Treat You

People will treat you according to your boundaries.  If you let people walk all over you, they’ll keep walking all over you.  If you let people spit on your face in the middle of your living room (or on Facebook), they’ll keep doing it.

You have every right to have high standards and high expectations around how others are allowed to treat you.

It’s ok to expect people to act in high integrity.

It’s ok to let people know certain things don’t fly.

It’s ok to draw a line in the sand and say, “NO MORE.”

You deserve to be treated like the queen you are.  You deserve to expect and demand respect from others.  And when that doesn’t happen, you need to make it clear that it’s not ok and you will not stand for it.

Listen in to learn 5 ways how you can better train people how to treat you #everydamnday – including powerful and painful examples from my own life and a major lesson from the queen herself, Brene Brown.

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