Maria Ross: Empathy in Action
Maria Ross: Empathy in Action
Maria Ross is a speaker, leadership trainer, author, and empathy advocate who believes cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive. She’s spent decades helping forward-thinking leaders and teams connect and engage through empathy to accelerate growth and impact. Maria has authored multiple books, including her most recent, The Empathy Edge, and hosts The Empathy Edge podcast. Maria understands the power of empathy on a personal level: In 2008, shortly after launching her business, she suffered a near-fatal ruptured brain aneurysm that inspired her memoir, Rebooting My Brain. Her next book The Empathy Dilemma: How Successful Leaders Balance Performance, People, and Personal Boundaries, arrives Fall 2024.
Listen in to hear Maria share:
- How she shifted from her work as a brand strategist to empathy expert
- How motherhood pushed her to really dig into bringing her empathy work into the
- workplace
- Different examples of what empathy looks like in the workplace – and what the absence of it looks like
- How empathy in the workplace must be a combination of compassion + action
- Myths around empathy
- The significance of action behind your empathy – and how action can look for different people
- How we can (and why we should) use empathy in the overlap of our personal & professional lives
- What to do in an interaction with someone who is not being empathetic
Links mentioned:
- Connect with Maria:
- Maria’s Podcast: The Empathy Edge
- TedX Talk
- Threads
- Twitter/X
- Maria on YouTube
- Book: Roadmap for Revolutionaries
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