
Kelly Travis: Living Authentically After An Eating Disorder and Abusive Marriage

Kelly Travis: Living Authentically After An Eating Disorder and Abusive Marriage

As a Health and Success Coach, Kelly Travis helps ambitious, high achieving women realize they don’t have to “should” their way to success in life or business. Through her programs and speaking, Kelly helps women realize what they actually want for themselves, ditch limiting beliefs and excuses, and create a sustainable action plan to achieve their big scary goals. Kelly models the ideal mix of professionalism, compassion, and discipline to help women get to where they want to go – not to where she thinks they should go (her methods are not prescriptive) but where they truly want to go in their career and life.

Her brave, sassy, and always approachable coaching style encourages women to take a cold hard look at their habits, mindset, boundaries, and everything that goes into creating a life on their terms.

Officially, Kelly earned her Bachelor of Science in Public Health with an emphasis on mental health from Central Michigan University. She is also a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she earned her certification as a Holistic Health Coach. Her passion for wellness and her ability to create successful strategies to reach goals started in college, where she was a collegiate All-American runner at UNC-Charlotte.

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