
How To Create More Mental Space In Motherhood

How To Create More Mental Space In Motherhood

No one told me…

I had no idea how much mental space motherhood would require.  I didn’t know that my brain would learn to run endless concurrent lists of tasks and to dos and important data, all day, everyday.

There have been days that I thought my brain would explode from all the keeping track of things.  All the remembering of things.  All the planning of things.  All the noting and filing away of things.

It never ends.

It’s exhausting.

But there are ways to better manage it.  There are ways to protect your mental space – especially from the invasion of details, content, and drama that you don’t need, that sucks your precious mental space and mental energy when you let them in.

Listen in to learn 6 ways to create more (super precious) mental space in motherhood.

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