
How To Create Authentic Affirmations That Become Tangible Truths

How To Create Authentic Affirmations That Become Tangible Truths

If I’m telling the truth, I used to think affirmations were kinda ridiculous.  In fact, a few years ago I tried doing affirmations every morning, as prescribed by someone else, and I just felt like a total fool.

About a year ago, I decided to give them another go – on my own terms.  After some thoughtful consideration, I declared 13 affirmations that felt authentic to who I am.  They felt a little uncomfortable, yes, but they felt concrete and actionable and in alignment with my core values – which actually felt powerful and exciting instead of ridiculous.

I have been writing affirmations pretty much daily for almost a year and I’ve seen my desire and ability to take confident and courageous action SKYROCKET.  Since my technique has been feeling good and getting me actual tangible results, I thought it would be worth sharing with you.

Listen in to hear 9 steps to creating meaningful affirmations that become actual TRUTHS in your life.  These are the actual steps I have taken to create the affirmations that I write #everydamnday – the affirmations that are actually deeply, positively impacting my daily life and my ability to reach my biggest goals ever.

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