
Dana V Adams Live Your Gift

Dana V Adams Live Your Gift

Dana V. Adams is a Shameless Mom of 4 boys, the founder of the Life Mapping Institute, author of Live Your Gift and the Live Your Gift Companion Guide, and considered one of the country’s top thought leaders on the life mapping process. For decades, first as a student and now as a teacher and mentor, Dana has inspired, empowered, and led thousands to embrace their life’s gifts to live happy, abundant and authentic lives. She leads the highly acclaimed Life Mapping Workshop to corporations and individuals.

Dana’s life was deeply impacted by life mapping a few years ago, so she took it upon herself to reach out to the creator of the concept, Bill Cohen, to ask him if they collaborate – major Shameless move!  He said yes and Dana has had the opportunity to build a truly transformational program at the Life Mapping Institute as a result of this collaboration.

Listen in to hear Dana share:

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