62: Carrie Wilkerson: Shameless Mom & Barefoot Executive
62: Carrie Wilkerson: Shameless Mom & Barefoot Executive
Year ago, one of my mentors told me to look up Carrie Wilkerson. He thought I would be impressed with the way she built a business on her own terms, from her own home, keeping her own family as her #1 priority. Always.
You all know, I love doing Facebook “research.” So, I looked Carrie up, “Followed” her (as her Friends were at capacity, no surprise), and was immediately very impressed.
What drew me to Carrie was her story. Through various Facebook posts over the years, I saw her post these intimate snapshots into her life and her history. Her posts about her family routinely left me teary eyed. While I was trying (desperately) to grow my little family, she filled me with hope as I learned her story of how she grew her (not so little) family. I could feel love and grace and strength in everything she shared.
When I started the Shameless Mom Academy, I knew I wanted to interview Carrie. She is tough but gentle; firm, but kind; loud, but soft. My kind of girl. 100%.
I have heard some of Carrie’s stories a few times now (yes, I totally sound like a stalker). Yet, she still gave me goose bumps over and over in this interview.
Listen in to hear Carrie share:
- How she became a Barefoot Executive and how you can be one too
- Why your competition is not your competition
- How she overcame 6 figures of debt and lost over 120 pounds
- How you can divide & conquer and create boundaries in all areas of your life in order to prevent resentment from others
- How to say NO and why you should say NO
- Why your kids need to be on a stage with a mic, sooner than later
Links Mentioned:
Carrie’s Website
Carrie’s 7 Day Business Blitz (free download!)
Carrie on Facebook