61: Be Here Now. Mostly.
61: Be Here Now. Mostly.
I had an entirely different episode ready to record for you. But then I found myself in a parking lot cranky as all get out, fighting with 26 mylar balloons in the wind and a new episode came over me.
I suck at living in the moment. Big time. When I got pregnant the first time, I was excited, yes. And I was also immediately panicked about how I would ever get pregnant again since the first time took forever and I was already ummmm, old-ish. I’ve always been really good at worrying about things years in advance.
Yesterday, right after my Mylar Moment, I turned on exactly the podcast I needed to hear in that moment – 100% unintentionally. It was a Chalene Johnson podcast about family/work balance that really spoke to me – especially the parts about living in the moment. As it turns out Chalene also struggles with that. We’re basically twins.
Listen in to hear my 4 tips on how to Be Here Now. Mostly.
*Implement Time Blocking
*Improve your Mental/Emotional Prioritization and Separation
*Stop Mind Hustling (you know you do it!)
*Make a Family Plan with Clear Expectations
Links Mentioned:
Chalene Johnson Build Your Tribe Podcast (select How to Balance Family and Business)