59: How to Create Your Own Miracle Morning
59: How to Create Your Own Miracle Morning
Your morning routine is KEY for owning your day. Back in Episode 16, I spoke with Craig Ballantyne about his Perfect Day Formula and we discussed the importance of a morning routine. Today, I am diving deeper with this concept and sharing exactly how to format your Miracle Morning, based on Hal Elrod’s book, “The Miracle Morning: The Not So Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8am.”
This book was transformative for me, so I knew it was well worth sharing with you. Hal has a specific (awesome) formula for The Miracle Morning that can easily be adapted to a 6-60 minute routine that will allow you to start your day on the right foot, every damn day.
I have been practicing elements of Hal’s protocol since January and I love it. In this episode I will tell you Hal’s exact Miracle Morning formula and how any mom can tweak this formula to make it work for you and your family.
You need a Miracle Morning routine for 3 important reasons:
1. How you start the day impacts your entire day (remember: how you do anything is how you do everything)
2. You will accomplish a lot more and ENJOY it all if you start your day from a place of being PROactive rather than REactive
3. This routine will create opportunities for growth in multiple areas of your life
I challenge you to start with a 15 minute Miracle Morning practice right away. And you have to let me know how it goes!
Books Mentioned:
Personal Development:
The Slight Edge By Chris Olson
Desire Map By Danielle LaPorte
You Are A BadAss By Jen Sincero
The 7 Principles for Making a Marriage Work John Gottman and Nan Silver
All Joy And No Fun By Jennifer Senior
The Whole Brain Child By Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child By John Gottman and Joan Declaire and Daniel Goleman
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk By Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish