
4 Ways To Manage The Mental Load of Motherhood

4 Ways To Manage The Mental Load of Motherhood

I have to laugh as I was recording this episode because I kept accidentally saying “the motherload” every time I went to say “the mental load of motherhood”.  And let’s be honest.  The mental load of motherhood is THE MOTHERLOAD.

The Motherload (aka the mental load of motherhood) includes the 175 running lists you keep in your head in every single moment of #everydamnday.

It includes:

You are a damn library of information. You are basically hosting your own world wide web in your head.

It’s a lot.

It’s too much.

It’s maddening.

And sometimes it feels SUPER unfair.

The Motherload is exhausting on so many levels.

I want to give you some hope.  But I’m going to warn you that this will require some work on your part.  But the work will be REWARDING.  The work will lessen the load!

When it comes to The Motherload, we tend to make it really hard on ourselves.  We get in our own way over and over.  We get stuck in perfectionism and martyrdom and make ourselves miserable.

Listen in as I give you 4 methods to manage the madness.  These methods are simple (although not necessarily easy if you’re Type A like me) and they are going to dramatically improve your life and create space in your head (who doesn’t need more space in their head?!)

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