16: Craig Ballantyne – The Perfect Day Formula
16: Craig Ballantyne – The Perfect Day Formula
We have our first male on the show! I never planned to have a guy do the show, to be honest. But after I read Craig’s new book, The Perfect Day Formula, I knew he would be so helpful to us all.
Craig is my old business coach and a longtime mentor of mine. Every time I’m around him I learn ridiculous amounts of good stuff. Today is no exception. He is quick to go deep and get right to the point on how you can make every day amazing.
The Perfect Day Formula is a quick and simple read, but packed with life changing nuggets. Craig’s lessons and philosophies are simple to implement and produce huge life improvement, which I love. This is exactly what has made Craig such an inspiring coach & mentor for me for the last 6 years.
Today you will learn:
- The 3-C Formula that will help you drown out anxiety & overwhelm
- How structure = freedom
- How to move forward in the face of failure and missteps
- The 5 Pillars of Personal Transformation
- The 10-3-2-1-0 Formula to a better night’s sleep
- The importance of creating a solid Vision for you and your family
- The 5 minute activity you can start immediately to improve each day
Find The Perfect Day Formula on Amazon.
Find The Perfect Day Formula Kit at www.theperfectdayformula.com.
(Kit includes all the support materials and booklets.)
Find Craig at http://www.earlytorise.com/
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