
Sara Dean is a Mindset, Business
& Leadership Coach for Moms

The Shiny (Incomplete) Truth…

My quick & dirty bio would tell you that tell you shiny truths about creating a podcast ranked in the top .5% of all podcasts globally. My shiny bio would tell you about how I built three successful business over the last 19 years that impacted hundreds of thousands of women worldwide. But I don’t believe in only sharing the shiny truths…

The Not-So-Shiny Truth Is That Nobody Warned Me…

Becoming a mom after enduring years of infertility turned my world upside down – not in a good way. For the entire first year after my son was born, I kept waiting to “go back to normal”. I thought that I would just wake up one morning having returned to the past version of myself – the Sara who had her sh*t together. The Sara who was organized and on top of things. The Sara who could predict how any day would play out and stay ahead of any curve balls. The Sara who was fun – and funny as hell.

Nobody warned me that there would be no returning to the old me.

Sara Dean with her kid

Motherhood is a daily exercise of becoming…
Becoming a stronger and more conscientious mother, family manager, advocate, leader, cheerleader and champion of the people and causes you hold closest to your heart.

It took me three years to start to figure out who this new version of Sara would be. In those early years of Vinnie’s life, I very imperfectly fumbled my way into finding myself, while continuing to grow my fitness business. It was ugly and messy and downright disorienting at times. Somehow, during this season, I hit my most successful days as a fitness studio owner with a toddler on my hip. While a lot of metrics looked great on paper, I was realizing that significant shifts had taken place within me. And there was no
turning back.

The New Me Came With New Core Values

I had built a 15 year career out of helping women shrink their bodies. As I navigated my new mom bod and the realities of raising a son in a male centered and male celebrated world, I realized that continuing to help women shrink their bodies was not aligned with my new core values.

While I was incredibly proud of the fitness community I built, I knew it was time for a change. As a fitness professional, I helped thousands of women become physically and emotionally stronger than ever. Yet, because of incessant cultural conditioning, they still yearned to take up less space.

I Stopped And Asked Myself,
“What Would It Look Like To Help Women Take Up More Space?”

Sara Dean wearing Shameless Mom merchandise infront of curtain for Shameless Mom Con Virtual Event Never one to shy away from a microphone, I launched The Shameless Mom Academy podcast with one purpose: help moms take up space – with their bodies, their voices, their stories, and their advocacy. The Shameless Mom Academy podcast launched on March 15, 2016 and I haven’t looked back for a moment. In fact, my mission has only become more fierce as I’ve grown the podcast and countless programs and events to help moms show up, overcome perfectionism, cultivate courage, channel compassion – and most importantly – embrace that their voices have value.

Everyday I Get To Help Moms Stop Shrinking & Start Shining.

Whether it’s the moms I work support inside our membership community, my one-on-one business consulting clients, groups I’m facilitating for Fortune 10 companies, or an audience of bright, shiny faces while I’m standing on stage, I see the transformative shift that happens when a woman realizes she no longer needs permission to take up space – because she was born capable, qualified and WORTHY.

When I’m not coaching or facilitating or lighting stages on fire, you can find me catching up on Real Housewives, pretending I’ve been skiing all my life even though I just learned at age 42 and I’m certain I might die at any moment, walking our pandemic puppy who is no longer a puppy but behaves like a complete wild beast, scream singing my way through Peloton rides, or enduring endless hours of minecraft, anime and Zelda talk with my greatest teacher, my 9 year old Vinnie.

What We Stand For…

The Shameless Mom Academy is a progressive and inclusive community of moms. We believe that women’s rights, including reproductive rights, are human rights. We believe that love is love and gender exists on a spectrum. If you are LGBTQ+, we believe you should have the same rights as any other human. We believe systemic racism is real, Black Lives Matter, and oppression is alive & well. We seek to amplify the voices of those who have been and/or are currently oppressed due to race, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, class, religion, and life circumstances. Lastly, we believe in science and in saving our planet.

We make monthly contributions to the following organizations. When you invest in the Shameless Mom Academy, a portion of your contribution goes to one or more of these organizations:

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Melissa Bond is a narrative journalist, poet, and matriarch of Salt Lake City’s Slam Scene. The Salt Lake Tribune and the New York Post have both done features on Bond’s book Blood Orange Night, her memoir about becoming dependent upon and then withdrawing from Benzodiazepines. Blood Orange Night was published by Simon & Schuster in June 2022 and was selected by the New York Times as one of the best audiobooks of 2022. Bond has been featured on PBS Story in the Public Square, Radio West, the podcasts Risk!, Endeavors, Psychology Unplugged, The New York Times

Episode 869

Melissa Bond: The Terror of Accidental Addiction at the Hands of a Negligent Doctor