
115: Make a Damn Decision

115: Make a Damn Decision

I am not a great decision maker.  I can admit to being 100% paralyzed by the decision of what kind of bibs to buy for Vinnie on Amazon a few years ago.  BIBS, people.

However, I don’t identify myself as being indecisive, because that label would be crippling for me.  That would make me more indecisive.  Labels matter.  They impact our decisions.

So, I do my best to identify as someone who makes decisions quickly and makes decisions that serve me well.  I also set limits around my decision making, so I don’t get analysis paralysis.

Being indecisive is disempowering.  If keeps you stuck. It gives you permission to stay in your safe little cocoon of all things known & comfortable.  Growth and change do not happen among the indecisive.

Indecision invites in fear and doubt.  When you are stuck in indecision you think of all the bad things that could go wrong with Decision A vs Decision B vs Decision C.  If you just make a damn decision, you would learn that you are capable OWNING Decision A OR Decision B OR Decision C.  In reality, it might not even matter which one you choose as long as you own the one you choose and make it serve you.  

If you struggle with decisions or analysis paralysis or feeling stuck, this episode is for you.  Be a badass decision maker.  Today.  And everyday moving forward.

Just make a damn decision.