
Kara Loewentheil: Unf*ck Your Brain

Kara Loewentheil: Unf*ck Your Brain

Kara Loewentheil is a Master Certified Coach and Host of the UnF*ck Your Brain Podcast. Three years ago she did what every Jewish parent dreams of for their child: She left her legal career running a think tank to become a life coach. Now she teaches feminist women how to undo the effects of patriarchy in their brains and create true authentic confidence from inside. She has grown her coaching business from zero to seven figures in the last 3 years and is passionate about teaching women how to overcome anxiety and self-doubt so they can take on the world.

I have recommended Kara’s podcast more than any other in the last 6 months and so many people have come back to tell me it has transformed their mental game.  So, I knew I needed to get Kara on the show.  Whether you’re wanting to change the way you feel about your body or become a master thought manager in order to change the outcomes in your life, Kara’s brilliance will transform your thought patterns and shift your behavior in powerful ways.

Listen in to hear Kara share:

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