
Nichole Nordeman: Slow Down

Nichole Nordeman: Slow Down

In addition to being a Shameless Mom to Charlie (14) and Pepper (9), Nichole Nordeman is award-winninging singer-songwriter and acclaimed worship leader who just wrote her first book, Slow Down: Embracing the Everyday Moments of Motherhood. The book is based on Nichole’s song “Slow Down” that pulled the heartstrings of mothers everywhere—with 14 million views in five days and has exceeded 21 million total views. Nordeman’s viral video showcased the reality of how fast children grow up and why it’s important for parents to be intentional.

Slow Down discusses the heartfelt feelings and memories of parenthood in her book—it is filled with stories, song lyrics, photos, wisdom, and encouragement. Nichole encourages parents to be intentional and slow down, so that they can appreciate the beauty and joy of raising children.

Nichole and I had such and enlightening and powerful conversation about the joy and pain of parenting.  I will fully admit that I did some stalking of Nichole before and after our interview and I have just fallen in love with her music and her writing.  I am so honored she made time to share with us in the Shameless Mom Academy.

There are a lot of treasures in this interview.  I hope you love them all.

Listen in to hear Nichole share:

Links Mentioned:

Nichole’s Website: http://www.nicholenordeman.com/

Nichole’s Book: Slow Down – Embracing the Everyday Moments of Motherhood

Nichole on Facebook

Nichole on Instagram

Nichole on Twitter

Nichole’s Album: Every Mile Mattered

YouTube video: Slow Down

SMA Ep 149: Stop Saying Sorry