
How to Make Space For New Habits

How to Make Space For New Habits

Do you have habits that you know are no longer serving you, but you don’t know how to break them? Or maybe you’ve tried to break old habits and they have crept back over and over again?

I’ve been talking to people about this a lot recently – as it relates to weight loss, stress eating, skipping workouts, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much sugar, getting sucked into hours of useless social media time, staying up to late at night, hitting snooze too many times in the morning – the list goes on…

The biggest trick to kicking a useless habit to the curb is making sure you have a replacement habit that serves you.

Listen in to hear my dive into these 8 steps to creating space for new habits:

  1. ID the old habit that you want to replace
  2. ID replacement habits
  3. Create space and grace
  4. Start small
  5. Practice often (remember: recency and frequency)
  6. Be prepared for the challenge
  7. Embrace discomfort
  8. Acknowledge the reward of the replacement habit

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