
Anna Willard Spark Your Youth

Anna Willard Spark Your Youth

Anna Willard is an author, personal trainer and the oldest child from a family of five.

From her personal exercise journey streaming from numerous sports and multiple injuries, she discovered hope through movement. After many injuries and failed goals she experienced how movement is medicine. Exercise and movement continue to give her hope and allow her to dream again and again! Understanding this power she works with women and men strengthening them on their journey towards a living a life beyond their dreams.

Seeing first hand how hopes and dreams go hand in hand with physical fitness, she recently wrote her first book, Spark Your Youth.

I am so thankful to Anna for doing the interview with me, as she was facing her own personal crisis at the time we recorded.  It would have been easy and completely understandable for her to cancel the interview, but she felt it was important to honor HOPE, as she does in her book and to show up and share in order to instill HOPE in herself and others, even in the face of grief.

Listen in to hear Anna share: 

Links Mentioned:

Anna’s Website: https://annawillard.com/

Anna’s Book: Spark Your Youth

SMA Ep 22 Erin Brown: Letters to Lola