
93: Panic & Perspective

93: Panic & Perspective

Nothing is as bad as it seems.  Nothing is as great as it seems.

I have been taught this lesson over the years and I needed it this week – a few times.  Life threw me for a few loops this week.  5 loops to be exact.  There was the mold scare, the car scare, the dog scare, my mom’s medical emergency, and Vinnie’s trip to the ER.

My tendency is to PANIC when I get hit with these curve balls.  While I’m outwardly very calm, internally I am planning for the worst in every way.  I jump to conclusions, let my mind race endlessly, and assume my pretty little life will be irreparably harmed.

Do you do this?  Please tell me I’m not alone.

But, here’s the TRUTH…..

Just to the left (or right) of your internal freak out is this:

Therefore, it is imperative that when faced with a challenge or hardship, you must:

Tune in to hear my 5 crises and how my perspective saved me from my panic.

Links Mentioned:

SMA Episode 62: Carrie Wilkerson – The Barefoot Executive