
66: Rachel Adams: Lost to Found in 90 Days

66: Rachel Adams: Lost to Found in 90 Days

Rachel Adams, an extremely successful real estate agent, was living a picture perfect life – until someone called her out, accurately suggesting that Rachel’s picture perfect life was not nearly as perfect as it seemed.…

One conversation changed Rachel’s game forever.  That one conversation helped Rachel open up about her quiet (almost secret) divorce, shed 30+ pounds, and create a new life that is not picture perfect, but 100% the life she wants.

In the course of creating a new and much more real life, Rachel learned a lot about herself and realized she had the tools to help other women.  So, she partnered with the woman who called her out and wrote a book to guide other women through, Lost to Found in 90 days: Your Journey to Self-Discovery and Ultimate Happiness. 

Listen in to learn:

  1. Why you need Solution Based Lenses
  2. The magic password trick that can the course of your life
  3. How to determine if a friendship is for a season, a reason, or a lifetime – and why breaking up with friends can be an important step
  4. How to define your legacy and start living it


Links Mentioned:

  1. Book/Video: First 3 chapters of Rachel’s book and first weekly video
  2. Rachel on Facebook
  3. Website: www.lost2found90.com