
58: Aimee Blair: The Gift of Down Syndrome and Prenatal Diagnosis

58: Aimee Blair: The Gift of Down Syndrome and Prenatal Diagnosis

Aimee Blair is the mother to three adorable little girls.  Her oldest daughter, Julia, has Down Syndrome.  Aimee shares her story of learning Julia’s diagnosis early in her pregnancy.  She talks about the doctor who told her to terminate her pregnancy and the excruciating 10 days she waited for conclusive test results to find out if her daughter would survive pregnancy.

Aimee also opens up about the hardest day of her marriage amidst Julia’s diagnosis and the scariest day of her life when Julia was just 3 months old.

Aimee wants other moms to know:

I’m so grateful to Aimee for reaching out to me with her story.  She is strong and brave.  It was an honor to do this interview and help Aimee share her experience with prenatal diagnosis.  This is a sensitive topic and Aimee shares with total grace, in hopes of helping other moms who might walk this journey.

Links Mentioned:

Aimee’s Facebook Group for Families with children with Down Syndrome in Connecticut: CDSC Hartford County

Website: The National Down Syndrome Congress new and expecting parent page

Website: BabyCenter.com Prenatal Diagnosis Community Board

Book: A Good and Perfect Gift by Amy Julia Becker

Show: Born This Way (on A&E)

Poem: “Welcome to Holland – A New Parent Poem” by Emily Pearl-Kingsley