
50: What Your Mother Never Told You About Motherhood

50: What Your Mother Never Told You About Motherhood

For our 50th episode I wanted to do something a little fun and a little special.  I actually recorded this in the 30 minutes before my IVF egg retrieval.  I’m not sure it reinforced the idea that I truly want to go for #2, haha…

My mom has always done a great job of painting motherhood in a beautiful picture:

“Your children will always be your proudest accomplishment.”

“There is nothing like a mother’s love.”

“I don’t remember you ever waking up at night.”

“You are your sister were easy babies.”

Moms have a knack for making it look like we just wake up every day and knock everything out of the freakin’ park.  As our children age, that is how we remember it too.

“You were the happiest baby in the world.”

“The days just flew by.”

“Nothing compares to being a mom.”

You know what else nothing compares to?

Sipping wine with my husband on a beach without a small child in site.

Or spending a day all alone with no one needing a damn thing from me.

As our children age, we idealize the past and it gets better and better.  As NewbornLand becomes a distant memory, we find ourselves falling in love with the memories, rather than recalling the reality, which was survival, barely. 

This episode is dedicated to the first 50 episodes of the Shameless Mom Academy and the nearly 50,000 downloads of Shameless Moms listening in to learn and laugh together every week.  Thank you for the love and support.  You make my motherhood journey so much better.

Links Mentioned:

Bonus Episode: Our New Shameless Name

Book: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk