
3 Ways to Stand in Your Power

3 Ways to Stand in Your Power

One of the most significant things I have worked on over the last few years (especially since becoming a mom) is standing in my power. This can be scary and uncomfortable as all get out.  But it is a necessary part of living the life I want to live, inspiring others through my actions, setting a good example for my child AND having a lot more fun, if we’re being honest!

As women, we often shy away from power – thinking it is a too much, too masculine, too uncomfortable.  The truth is that power if not a bad thing, as long as it’s not abused.  Power can bring about change and beauty and growth.  Power can be transformative and ridiculously positive.

It’s time for all of us to take more #radicalresponsibility over our true power and USE IT for the greater good.  Let’s be brave and bold together, deal?!?

Here are 3 ways I have been standing in my power a lot more recently:

  1. Owning and embracing my stories
  2. Standing up to bullies
  3. Being the boss of my choices

Listen in to hear my stories around each of these and how YOU can stand in your power #everydamnday!