
17: Why You Should STOP Hustling

17: Why You Should STOP Hustling

I used to be the queen of hustle.  I thought, “the more, the better.”  After years of hustling in multiple areas of my life, I’m now older and wiser.  I see the value in being in something for the long haul.  I want to enjoy my work.  I don’t want my passion to expire.  The most surefire way to kill your passion: hustle like hell.

My advice regarding hustling is not unapologetic and not politically correct.  Most people will tell you to hustle in order to make your dreams come true.  I say – pace yourself. That doesn’t mean you take a chill approach to everything.  That doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be a some late nights, early mornings or moments of stress.  But you have to find a rhythm to what you’re doing, and seasons in which you push, and seasons in which you chill the heck out.

At the age of 40, two careers and 3.5 businesses deep into my life, I can tell you – you want to find the longevity in your passion.  Not the hustle.  Not the burnout.  This goes for anything from starting an online business to being the best “Pinterest Mom Ever.”


In today’s episode you’ll learn:

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